2017 Journey’s End and the Long Trail

August 23, 2017

Starting on July 25th, Lexi (Theodwyn) and Linnaea (Eowyn) accompanied by Elphie hiked the length of the Long Trail which follows the ridge of the Green Mountains of Vermont from Massachusetts to Canada.  We had agreed to meet them at the completion of their hike.  So after our stay at the Waldheim we drove to Vermont and on the 23rd we drove to the Journey’s End trail-head near North Troy, Vermont.  We got there about noon and started up the trail.

The way was rather muddy.

We stopped at the Journey’s End Camp for lunch.

Around 2 we reached the Long Trail and its end at the Canadian border monument.  In the picture one can sort of see the border as it cuts through the woodlands.

We waited there for Lexi and Linnaea.

About 4:40 the happy hikers arrived having completed the 273 miles of the Long Trail in 29 days.

We walked out the Journey’s End trail with them.  At the Camp they left a final entry in the register.

After a short ride, we had supper at the Belfry and then home to Montpelier.